
List all vehicles that were pre and/or post checked in last 24 hours per user stations.

@forelse ($report['checklist'] as $item) @empty @endforelse
Type Unit # Station
{{ $item->fleet->aircraftType->title }} {{ $item->fleet->tail_number }} {{ $item->fleet->airline->title }}
No checks in the last 24 hours.

Maintenance Over Due

Past due maintenance on any PMI's, Manager Inspections, and Detail/Clean/Wash per user stations.

@forelse ($report['pastDue'] as $item) @empty @endforelse
Type Unit # Task Scheduled Station
{{ $item->fleet->aircraftType->title ?? 'NA' }} {{ $item->fleet->tail_number ?? 'NA' }} @if ($item->group_title !== $item->task_title) {{ $item->group_title }}: @endif {{ $item->task_title }} {{ $item->date }} {{ $item->airline_title }}
No overdue maintenance. Make sure you have a maintenance airline in your profile.

Service Requests

Open maintenance service requests per user station.

@forelse ($report['serviceRequests'] as $item) @empty @endforelse
Type Unit # Created Station Details
{{ $item->fleet->aircraftType->title }} {{ $item->fleet->tail_number }} {{ $item->created_at }} {{ $item->fleet->airline->title }} {{ $item->note }}
No open service requests. Make sure you have a maintenance airline in your profile.